
Upcoming/Current Events

Monthly Council Meetings
Plymouth Council meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 in Saint John the Baptist school cafeteria. You must be a member in good standing to attend a meeting.

Monthly Spiritual Breakfast
Announcement Date: 01/01/2022

I would like to invite all Knights (spouses are welcome) to our monthly Spiritual Breakfast. We will be meeting the third Saturday of each month at 9:00am in the back room at Roadside Bar and Grille in Plymouth.
What is a Spiritual Breakfast? I will choose a reading each month for consideration. The group will then discuss how the words impact their daily lives. There will also be time for general discussion on the topic of your choice.
The use of the facility is free to us, but please consider ordering breakfast to show our appreciation for the use of their Restaurant. Breakfast will not be provided by the Knights of Columbus.
Please join us to grow in Faith, Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
Please contact me at 920-918-8166 by the prior Thursday if you plan to attend, so I can make the appropriate reservations.
Note: We will not be having the monthly Spiritual Breakfast in August. However, we will resume out gatherings on Saturday, September 17th at 9:00.
Don Sager

Delta Church Drive 10-1 and 10-2
Announcement Date: 08/10/2022

We will be conducting a Delta Church Drive at St John the Baptist after the Saturday night, October 1st Mass and Sunday Morning, October 2nd Mass. It is very important that all members and their families attend both masses to show our unity. After Saturday's 4:00 Mass we will be going out for dinner at Roadside Restaurant. Please call Brother Don Sager, 920-918-8166, to let him know if you plan to join us so he can make reservations. Spouses and family are encouraged to participate and join us after. Please wear your red shirts.

Fall Brat Fry October 2nd
Announcement Date: 08/19/2022

Our Fall Brat Fry at Piggly Wiggly has been changed to Sunday, October 2nd. We will be ready to sell by 10:30 so you can come right from Mass to get an early lunch. Stop by and enjoy our delicious brats and burgers.